Phoenix MAS-DNP NMR Probe
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) signal-enhancement capability is now available in combination with innovative Phoenix Solid-State NMR (SSNMR) probe technology to expand the scope and sensitivity of biomolecular and materials SSNMR research at 400-600 MHz. The new Phoenix MAS-DNP NMR probe system utilizes the same robust, professional design strategy that scientists have come to expect in all Phoenix SSNMR probes and accessories.

PhoenixNMR MAS-DNP probe system, showing: a) PhoenixNMR WB HFXY probe, b) PhoenixNMR MAS speed controller, c) PhoenixNMR cryogenic VT and sample insert/eject controller, d) PhoenixNMR Cryogenic counter-flow heat exchanger. Not shown: 50-liter LN2 Dewar.

13C CP/MAS DNP enhancement of 77:1 was measured using a PhoenixNMR 395 GHz/600 MHz DNP HFXY probe fitted with a 2.5 mm spinning module. Sample Temperature = 124 K; MASS = 10 kHz. The sample was prepared using 10 mM AMUPol biradical and “DNP Juice” = d8-Glycerol/H2O/D2O at a 6/3/1 ratio.
Overview of the Phoenix DNP Innovation
- Add a new Phoenix DNP probe to expand capability on an existing DNP SSNMR instrument; or
- Add a Turn-key DNP System, including gyrotron, to an existing 9.4 – 14.1 T, Wide-Bore SSNMR instrument, pairing the robust PhoenixNMR probe technology with Bridge12 Technologies components to complete the DNP package;
- Combine DNP with HFXY and HFX probe configurations;
- Optional Probe Accessories allow low-gamma nuclei and/or simultaneous H/F operation;
- Operating Temperature Range is 90 K to 373 K (actual sample temperature is dependent on spinning speed);
- 2.5 mm MASS Module is available for spinning speeds up to 25 kHz;
- Insert and Eject Samples In-Situ at cold and warm temperatures;
- Modest up-front Costs beat other commercially-available DNP probe systems;
- Unique VT Design minimizes the use of cryogens to dramatically reduce operational costs.

PhoenixNMR DNP probe head, showing back of probe with sample insert/eject conduit
Full Phoenix DNP System Includes:
- Phoenix NMR MAS-DNP wide bore (WB) HFXY or HFX probe including auto sample eject (low-gamma and simultaneous H/F accessories optional);
- Phoenix NMR MAS speed controller;
- Phoenix NMR VT cryogenic and sample insert/eject controller;
- 50-liter LN2 dewar provides about 36 hours of operation at 90 K and can be refilled during operation;
- Bridge12 Technologies Waveguide utilizing corrugated waveguide sections and a Focusing Lens directed perpendicular to sample coil for maximum DNP efficiency;
- PhoenixNMR Cryogenic counter-flow heat exchanger;
- Bridge12 Technologies fastwave gyrotron operating at 263 GHz (for 400 MHz instrument) or 395 GHz (for 600 MHz instrument) and controller.

Phoenix DNP probe utilizes a VT path directed to only the sample area to minimize cryogen use during operation.
Phoenix DNP Probe Performance
*Probe Performance Specifications are quoted for a Phoenix NMR 395 GHz/600 MHz DNP HFXY probe fitted with a 2.5 mm spinning module, utilizing a Bridge12 Technologies gyrotron and waveguide. Other hardware configurations may result in different probe performance specifications. Request a quote for detailed specifications.