All data were acquired using a Phoenix NMR 395 GHz/600 MHz MAS-DNP HFXY probe fitted with a 2.5 mm spinning module, utilizing a Bruker gyrotron, Bridge12 Technologies waveguide, and counter-flow heat exchanger, at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL)1,2.
DNP Enhancement versus sample temperature: The four round markers reflect the data collected on the PhoenixNMR 2.5 mm MAS-DNP probe utilizing the 395 GHz/600 MHz DNP/NMR system at the NHMFL1, VT flow rate of 30 lpm. The two orange dots represent the performance of the Bruker 3.2 mm MAS-DNP probe on the same system with the same sample. The single green dot shows the expected performance based on recent improvements to the VT system of the PhoenixNMR probe at 40 lpm flow rate.
Sample temperature measurement via chemical shift of PbNO3, all acquired at Set Temperature = 90 K. The middle 5 spectra show sample temperature as a function of spinning speed at a VT flow rate of 30 lpm. The top and bottom most spectra show the effect of increasing the VT Flow from 30 lpm to 40 lpm.
13C CP/MAS DNP enhancement of 42:1 was measured using a PhoenixNMR 395 GHz/600 MHz DNP HFXY probe fitted with a 2.5mm spinning module. Sample Temperature = 150 K; MASS = 25 kHz. The sample was prepared using 10 mM AMUPol biradical and “DNP Juice” = d8-Glycerol/H2O/D2O at a 6/3/1 ratio.
13C-13C 2D correlation of 13C labeled intact plant stem (Sample and Data by Tuo Wang2). Data acquired on the 395 GHz / 600 MHz DNP NMR system at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, FL, in collaboration with Frederic Mentink-Vigier1. MASS=22 kHz; Sample T ~ 140 K (run at a conservative 20 lpm VT flow); DNP Enhancement = 8:1.
*Probe Performance Specifications are quoted for a Phoenix NMR 395 GHz/600 MHz DNP HFXY probe fitted with a 2.5 mm spinning module, utilizing a Bridge12 Technologies gyrotron, waveguide, and counter-flow heat exchanger. Other hardware configurations may result in different probe performance specifications. Request a quote for detailed specifications.
1 Frederic Mentink-Vigier, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida 32310, 2 Tuo Wang, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.
The National High Magnetic Field laboratory (NHMFL) is funded by the National Science Foundation Division of Materials Research (DMR-1157490 and 1644779) and the State of Florida. The DNP system at the NHMFL is funded in part by NIH S10 OD018519, P41 GM122698, and NSF CHE-S1229170.
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