We love that our customers love our products! Thanks to David Halat and Chad Rienstra (NMRFAM, @NMRFAM) for their thoughtful appreciation of the careful, scientific design approach that goes into all our products at PhoenixNMR. Your science is in our hearts, and we are happy to see you back in the lab.

The PhoenixNMR Magic-angle Spinning Controller (PMAS Controller) is intelligent, just like you. And that’s why you appreciate PMAS in your laboratory. This controller thinks like you do and works with you:

  • Spin up and down and control speed purely in automated mode ; or
  • Start a difficult sample in manual mode, then switch to automated mode while spinning ;
  • Spinning profiles for PhoenixNMR spinning modules are programmed into the device, but you are not limited there;
  • Easily create your own spinning profiles for any MAS probe that you want to control with this device;
  • Is the tachometer connection to your probe unique? Contact PhoenixNMR to ask about tachometer adaptors for your probe.
  • It is time to have a controller that thinks and adapts like you do!

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